Having the piece of mind that your indoor air quality is good is extremely valuable. Poor air quality can result in a large array of health issues. By testing your air quality, you can learn about the air you are breathing in. It’s not uncommon for indoor air to contain VOCs, biological pollutants, pet dander, dust, asbestos, lead, pesticides, particulates, secondhand smoke, and many other harmful materials. Even excess moisture can cause indoor air quality issues.

Benefits of Testing Indoor Air Quality

  1. Health protection. By testing your air quality, you can find out if there are harmful pollutants in your air and know what changes need to be made to improve your air quality. Improved air quality often means improved health!
  2. Enhanced comfort. Poor air quality, whether that be high or low humidity, temperature fluctuations, pollution, dampness, etc., can cause discomfort. Having good air quality makes an indoor space more pleasant to be in.
  3. Improved sleep quality. Better air quality leads to better sleep patterns!
  4. Increased property value.
  5. Reduced odors.
  6. Peace of mind!

Taking steps to creating a more healthier home will help make your home more comfortable to be in and give you peace of mind.

What Happens During the Air Quality Test

At Larry Cook Heating and Cooling, we offer incredible air quality solutions to help ensure that you are breathing in the cleanest air possible. We don’t offer indoor air quality tests at this time, but the following gives you an example of what you can expect if you decide to take steps to get your indoor air quality tested.

1. Assessment

Expect a consultation to discuss what you are currently experiencing at your home, in terms of symptoms, or issues you may have experienced. The assessment will usually include a visual inspection too to see if there are any obvious markers of mold or ventilation issues.

2. Air Quality Samples

Next, after the initial consultation, you can expect for an air quality sample to be taken. The sample methods could be a surface sample (by swab or sticky tape), point sample (this is used for pollutants like radon), or air sample taken with specialized equipment. A reputable testing company will look for VOCs, carbon monoxide, radon, mold spores, and other particulate matter. They will analyze the samples and give you a detailed report.

3. Report and Recommendations

After samples are taken, you should be provided with a detailed report identifying your air quality issues. Often times the reports will include suggestions for air quality.

4. Indoor Air Quality Next Steps

Be sure to consult with an experienced and professional HVAC company after receiving your air quality report to get a customized recommendation to help with your air quality.

Suggestions for Better Indoor Air Quality

Now, lets talk about simple but effective methods to have better indoor air quality. These steps can be taken without a air quality report. They are just great practices to follow!

  • Ventilation. Open your windows and doors to allow fresh air to circulate within your home. Use your exhaust fans!
  • Maintain your HVAC System. Make sure that your HVAC system is being regularly maintained so that it can manage your indoor air quality effectively.
  • Change your HVAC Filters. Don’t neglect replacing your HVAC system’s filters.
  • Invest in a Whole Home Air Purification System. We strongly recommend you consider a whole home purification system. These systems are surprisingly affordable and effective. These integrate into your HVAC system.
  • Control Humidity. Keep your indoor humidity between 30-50%. Make sure you are humidifier is being maintained. Most professional HVAC companies will take care of this during your maintenance appointment.
  • Houseplants. Research shows that some houseplants can help improve indoor air quality. Buy some houseplants!
  • Use Low Tox Cleaning Products. Be careful not to add contaminants into your air by using harmful toxic cleaning products.
  • Clean Regularly. Be sure to keep your house dusted and vacuumed regularly!

Next Steps: Air Quality Services and Installation with Expert HVAC Specialists

Larry Cook Heating and Cooling provides air quality solutions in and around Wichita, KS. If necessary, we can perform an indoor air quality upgrade with solutions such as air cleaners, UV treatment systems, and whole-house air purification systems. We’ll even help choose the right solution for you. To learn more or schedule a free consultation, contact us online or call 316-322-5668 today.

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