Are you planning major renovations to your home or business? If so, you are likely looking forward to the renovations being done, but may also be overwhelmed with all of the details that must be considered as part of the renovation process. For instance, you may have been surprised to learn that you need major HVAC renovations to your existing HVAC system or a new HVAC system.

When an HVAC professional recommends a particular HVAC system and design, there are many factors that impact the final recommendation. For instance, an HVAC professional will consider items such as, but not limited to, layout, usage, occupancy, materials, footprint and square footage. So, do you need a new HVAC system when renovating? It depends. Keep reading to learn more about renovations and HVAC systems!

5 Reasons You May Need a New HVAC System When You Are Renovating

1. Interior Layout Requires Changes to Ventilation System

Most HVAC systems have ventilation systems that contain ductwork that distributes the hot and cool air throughout a home or business. HVAC duct work designs are specific to the layout, and materials (e.g., walls, windows, doors, etc.) used within the indoor space. If your renovation involves moving windows, walls or doors, then there is a good chance that you are modifying the way air flows through the indoor space. With renovations taking place, there is a good chance that an updated HVAC ventilation system will be necessary so that hot and cold spots are not an issue throughout the renovated space.

2. When Usage Area Changes Then Heating and Cooling Needs May Also Change

It’s important to consider the use of the space being renovated when determining whether HVAC renovation is needed. This is a particularly useful consideration for businesses who may be leasing or purchasing a building that was previously being used for different purposes. For example, a law office and a gym would likely have far different HVAC needs. The amount of people using the indoor space, the configuration of the furniture or cubicles within the space, and the contents within the space (such as, the amount of electronics) can impact an HVAC duct work design or system. For example, for businesses, a gym will likely have different HVAC needs than a clothing store. The bottom line: Be sure that your HVAC system is designed to work with how you intend to use the indoor space.

3. Renovated Spaces May Require Less Heating and More Cooling

How many people do you anticipate will be using the space that you are needing to heat and cool? If your renovation involves modifying the footprint of the indoor space to accommodate more people then keep in mind that the higher the occupancy, the warmer the space will be. As a result, the space will likely require more air conditioning during the summer months and less heating during the winter months. Be sure to consider how the renovations and your intended use will impact your HVAC system’s function.

4. Old Furnace and Old Air Conditioner May Be Incorrectly Sized

It’s important that the air conditioner and furnace installed in your home or business is the correct size. During the renovation process, often our customers are selecting new energy efficient materials for cost savings. These energy efficient materials (such as, new insulation, windows, doors) have the ability to change the heating and cooling requirements. Whether the newly renovated space simply has more energy efficient materials, additional square footage, or a new configuration, there is a chance that the preexisting furnace and air conditioner could be improperly sized for the newly renovated space. An improperly sized HVAC system often uses up more energy than it should, costing you more money in the long run. Also, improperly sized HVAC systems don’t typically operate optimally, which often results in expensive issues with the HVAC system as time progresses.

Take the time to have an HVAC professional determine the correct HVAC system size for your renovated space. They’ll be able to accurately tell you whether you need a new HVAC system when renovating, need simple modifications to your existing HVAC system, or no modifications at all.

5. Consider the Importance of Proper Airflow

Lastly, another factor to consider is whether your indoor space will have good airflow. Layout modifications have the potential to impact airflow so that air is not properly flowing throughout an indoor space. Proper airflow is important to ensure that cold or warm air is being distributed equally throughout an indoor space and to maximize energy efficiency. So, whether you are renovating a home or business, don’t forget to consider airflow.

Consult With HVAC Experts Before You Start Renovating

When it comes to renovations and HVAC systems, we think that it’s worth the effort to contact an HVAC professional before beginning renovations and hvac renovating. An HVAC professional should be able to provide you with valuable insight after reviewing your renovation plans and hvac duct work designs, and further discussion with you. If you’re planning a renovation, considering calling a reputable hvac renovation company, Larry Cook Heating and Cooling. You can reach us by phone at 316-322-5668, or by sending us a contact request through our website.

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